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Product & Services
Domestic Letter of Credit

It is a credit product to finance a transaction to purchase inventory which will be processed or re-sale from the domestic area and commonly known as Domestic Letters of Credit. Domestic Letter of Credit is differentiated into:

Letter of Credit is differentiated into:

a.Sight Domestic LC

The payment is made upont the handover of goods shipping documents by the seller if meeting all requirements stated in the Domestic L/C.

b.Usance Domestic LC

The payment is made after certain period as of the date of shipping documents conveyance by the seller if meeting all requirements stated in the Domestic L/C.


Individual  Private/Public Companies
Fotocopy KTP Husband & Wife  Fotocopy Article of Establishment and Subsequent deeds (Deed of Amandment, updated)  
Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga  Fotocopy Pengesahan dari Menkeh dan HAM RI  
Fotocopy Kartu Nikah  Fotocopy Lembaran Berita Negara  
Fotocopy Akta Harta Terpisah  Fotocopy ID of all BOD and BOC  
Fotocopy Surat Keterangan Ganti Nama 

Fotocopy KITAS Pasport of all BOD and BOC

If Not Indonesian Citizen
Fotocopy Life History  Fotocopy NPWP of the Company  
Fotocopy NPWP  Fotocopy NPWP of all BOD and BOC  
Fotocopy SIUP  Fotocopy SIUP  
Fotocopy TDP  Fotocopy TDP  
Fotocopy API/APE  Fotocopy API/APE Only for exporting/importing companies
Fotocopy DRM  Fotocopy Surat Ijin Gangguan If applicable  
Land & Building
Fotocopy Sertifikat  
Fotocopy AJB  
Fotocopy IMB  
Fotocopy PBB  
Kendaraan Bermotor
Fotocopy STNK  
Fotocopy BPKB  
Financial Data
Company Profile  
Business Plan and Strategy for 2 years  
Audited Financial Report (Last 2 years)  
Financial Reports (Current Year, Q1, Q2)  
Projected Financial Reports (2 years)  
Sales, Inventory & A/R Reports Q1 dan Q2  
Account Statement (Last 6 Months)  
List of Suppliers & Buyers with the transaction value for the last 6 months  
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For More Information Please Contact 
Gedung Graha Mandiri Lantai 11, 15 & 24 
Jl.Imam Bonjol No.61.
Jakarta Pusat 10310 - INDONESIA 
Email : birdireksi@sbiindo.com 
Tel : +6221.39838747 (hunting)
Fax : +6221.39838750
+6221.39838751 - 39833778

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For More Information Please Contact 
Gedung Graha Mandiri Lantai 11, 15 & 24 
Jl.Imam Bonjol No.61.
Jakarta Pusat 10310 - INDONESIA 
Email : birdireksi@sbiindo.com 
Tel : +6221.39838747 (hunting)
Fax : +6221.39838750
+6221.39838751 - 39833778