08001724636 (Toll Free 24/7)
(021)3859952 (24/7)

(021)39838747 (08 AM - 05 PM WIB from
Monday to Friday - excluding Public Holiday)

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Product & Services
Current Account SBII Foreign Exchange



Product Information



Product Name

Giro USD


Types of Products

Current Account


Issuer Name

Bank SBI Indonesia


Main Feature

Initial deposit and minimum balance of Giro USD is USD100 minimum balance is USD 100.  for Corporate Account Initial deposit and a minimum balance of Giro USD is USD 500 minimum balance is USD 500. As a proof of current account, the Bank will issue a Statement of Account Statements every month on behalf of the Savers. In carrying out transactions of current account, media for withdrawing  foreign exchange demand deposit slips or other instructional media



Competitive interest rates p.a,  can withdraw funds at any time through Internet Banking and obtain transaction information on accounts via Internet Banking



The risk of costs arising from the Customer's negligence will be charged to the Customer. And savings are not guaranteed by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) if the nominal balance of your savings at a bank exceeds equivalent Rp. 2,000,000,000 (Two Billion Rupiah and savings interest rates exceed the LPS (Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation) guarantee interest rate, as well as misuse of Electronic Banking, PIN/Password and ATM cards/Savings Book


Requirements & Procedures

The customer fills out and signs the Account Opening Application Form for Giro SBII USD and follows the terms & conditions applicable at Bank SBI Indonesia and submits Photocopies of KTP/Passport/SIM for Indonesian citizens and KITAS for foreigners, and NPWP and the legality of the company

You can submit questions and complaints through the nearest Branch Office and contact the Call Center number listed.



Giro USD Customers are free charged from monthly administration fee


Additional Information

If there is a difference between the balance on the checking account statement and the balance recorded on the bank's books, the balance recorded on the bank's books will be used.


Simulations and/or historical data, in terms of products and/or services that have funding , lending activities and/or fund management

The balance position at the end of the day of the Savings Customer is IDR 10,000, Interest  1%, then the interest received by the Savings Customer on that day according to the balance tiering is: 10,000 x 1% divided by 365/366  (less tax on interest according to provision).


The Bank may reject Potential Customer product application, if it does not meet the applicable requirements and regulations. Savings Customers must carefully read this Summary of Product and Service Information and have the right to ask Bank employees for all matters related to this Summary of Product and Service Information


Bank SBI Indonesia

Terdaftar dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa keuangan

Tanggal Cetak Dokumen 15 September 2022

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08001724636 (Toll Free 24/7)
(021)3859952 (24/7)

(021)39838747 (08 AM - 05 PM WIB from
Monday to Friday - excluding Public Holiday)

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For More Information Please Contact 
Gedung Graha Mandiri Lantai 11, 15 & 24 
Jl.Imam Bonjol No.61.
Jakarta Pusat 10310 - INDONESIA 
Email : birdireksi@sbiindo.com 
Tel : +6221.39838747 (hunting)
Fax : +6221.39838750
+6221.39838751 - 39833778

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08001724636 (Toll Free 24/7)
(021)3859952 (24/7)

(021)39838747 (08 AM - 05 PM WIB from
Monday to Friday - excluding Public Holiday)

You are visitor number :


For More Information Please Contact 
Gedung Graha Mandiri Lantai 11, 15 & 24 
Jl.Imam Bonjol No.61.
Jakarta Pusat 10310 - INDONESIA 
Email : birdireksi@sbiindo.com 
Tel : +6221.39838747 (hunting)
Fax : +6221.39838750
+6221.39838751 - 39833778