08001724636 (Toll Free 24/7)
(021)3859952 (24/7)

(021)39838747 (08 AM - 05 PM WIB from
Monday to Friday - excluding Public Holiday)

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You are our inspiration

Our vision is to become the best local bank providing world class standard of customer service and product innovation.

One of Bank SBI Indonesia strategy to aim that vision is by aligning the organization, human resources and culture. This will include establish a high performance, merit based organization; develop best-in class HR to support people development and promote teamwork, align the organization to support the business priorities, and perform our work according to our Code of Ethic and Code of Conducts at all times.

To actualize that, Bank SBI Indonesia determine that hiring the best talent who have strong passionate to grow, high integrity, continuous learning attitude, think out of the box and eager to face new challenge to grow with us in a long mutual employment, will take an important part.

To our talent, Bank SBI Indonesia offer continuous and comprehensive learning program throughout your career. Aside from that, Bank SBI Indonesia also provide career development in line with your performance and contribution and to the company.

So, if you inspired to join our bank who believes in values for integrity, trust and professionalism, simply complete the following application form. We will review your application and if you meet our qualification, we will invite you to join our selection process. We look forward to receiving your application.

Send your CV to

The Manager ( Human resourses)
“ Graha Mandiri”
Jl. Imam Bonjol no. 61, Jakarta Pusat
Phone.(021) 39838747(Hunting)
Fax.(021) 39838750, 39838760
Email. sdmjkt@sbiindo.com

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08001724636 (Toll Free 24/7)
(021)3859952 (24/7)

(021)39838747 (08 AM - 05 PM WIB from
Monday to Friday - excluding Public Holiday)

You are visitor number:


For More Information Please Contact 
Gedung Graha Mandiri Lantai 11, 15 & 24 
Jl.Imam Bonjol No.61.
Jakarta Pusat 10310 - INDONESIA 
Email : birdireksi@sbiindo.com 
Tel : +6221.39838747 (hunting)
Fax : +6221.39838750
+6221.39838751 - 39833778

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08001724636 (Toll Free 24/7)
(021)3859952 (24/7)

(021)39838747 (08 AM - 05 PM WIB from
Monday to Friday - excluding Public Holiday)

You are visitor number :


For More Information Please Contact 
Gedung Graha Mandiri Lantai 11, 15 & 24 
Jl.Imam Bonjol No.61.
Jakarta Pusat 10310 - INDONESIA 
Email : birdireksi@sbiindo.com 
Tel : +6221.39838747 (hunting)
Fax : +6221.39838750
+6221.39838751 - 39833778