08001724636 (Toll Free 24/7)
(021)3859952 (24/7)

(021)39838747 (08 AM - 05 PM WIB from
Monday to Friday - excluding Public Holiday)

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Semarang Branch Relocation


In order to improve service quality and customer comfort, we hereby inform that on Monday, 30 October 2023, PT Bank SBI Indonesia will have a relocation of the address of the Semarang Branch Office along with the ATM (Automated Teller Machine) with the details as written.


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08001724636 (Toll Free 24/7)
(021)3859952 (24/7)

(021)39838747 (08 AM - 05 PM WIB from
Monday to Friday - excluding Public Holiday)

You are visitor number:


For More Information Please Contact 
Gedung Graha Mandiri Lantai 11, 15 & 24 
Jl.Imam Bonjol No.61.
Jakarta Pusat 10310 - INDONESIA 
Email : birdireksi@sbiindo.com 
Tel : +6221.39838747 (hunting)
Fax : +6221.39838750
+6221.39838751 - 39833778

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08001724636 (Toll Free 24/7)
(021)3859952 (24/7)

(021)39838747 (08 AM - 05 PM WIB from
Monday to Friday - excluding Public Holiday)

You are visitor number :


For More Information Please Contact 
Gedung Graha Mandiri Lantai 11, 15 & 24 
Jl.Imam Bonjol No.61.
Jakarta Pusat 10310 - INDONESIA 
Email : birdireksi@sbiindo.com 
Tel : +6221.39838747 (hunting)
Fax : +6221.39838750
+6221.39838751 - 39833778